
Roadmap To Success: Farming

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This Farming course will guide you through the entire process. I’ll show you what you need to do and how to develop your skills and mindset to prepare yourself for Farming.

Each phase of Farming requires specific knowledge. You must take different steps at each point to ensure success, all the while guided by the compound effect, a key secret that will make the process wholly manageable and more predictable.

From choosing a Farming area to building trust to reaching out to establish connections, this course will set you on the path to becoming a Farming pro. Here, I alert you to possible mistakes and pitfalls when you approach Farming in the wrong ways. I’ll guide you through finding leads within your farming area and using all types of media, your website, and email to generate leads, nurture prospects, and gain customers.

Along the way, you will learn how to develop the most effective strategies for each phase of the Farming process. What’s more, you’ll learn how to implement your plans to move toward the ultimate goal of any real estate agent.



By Perla Cantu

"I have learned a lot from this trainings to the point that I feel very confident about guiding my clients to a successful real estate transaction."


By Lisa Ljung

"I have been in real estate for a long time. This was the training I wish I had at the very beginning of my career. It is the perfect refreshment on the basics 101 in real estate and an insightful and intelligent approach to connecting our tools, skills, and experiences to our career development."

Best Courses

By Eduardo Nucete

"Roadmap To Success is by far the very best training in real estate I have ever had in my life. Words fail me in saying it was the best! All the teachings are necessary and pure wisdom! "


By Ana Luz D'Escrivan

"I’m extremely satisfied with the course, it’s very complete and detailed."


By Miguel Basalo

"I'm so grateful for taking these courses. They prepare you and put you in a position to succeed. Knowledge is critical in this industry and sets you apart from the rest. I will not take for granted the knowledge I acquired in these courses."

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    1. Introduction

    1. What's Farming?

    2. Definitions

    3. Databases

    4. Campaigns

    1. Purpose

    2. Personal Attributes

    3. Compound Effect

    4. How Do I Start?

    5. How Do I Keep Going?

    6. What, Why, When, and Where?

    7. A Circus Comes to Town

    1. Introduction

    2. Market

    3. Message

    4. Media

    5. Lead Nurturing

    6. Lead Conversion

    1. Conversion System

    2. Nurturing System

    3. Sales Conversion Strategy

About this course

  • $225.00
  • 32 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Payment options

Coming soon!

Pre-order today or add your email to the mailing list and we'll let you know as soon as this course is available.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why should I take these courses?

    It's simple; take these courses to increase your confidence in your ability to succeed.

    Confidence is a belief that stimulates action.

    On the other hand, doubt is a paralyzing and career development killer.

    You fight doubt by increasing your knowledge and skills. Knowledge is power.

    Leads, prospects, and clients probably won't work with you unless they trust your solid ability to solve their problems.

    By increasing your confidence in your abilities, you position yourself on the right path to gain clients' trust. And when your clients trust you, the sale is easy.

  • What are Roadmap To Success online courses?

    Roadmap to Success is your go-to resource for learning your role as a real estate agent.

    These courses provide a practical guide and path to the actions that can take you to the next level of your career.

    Use the Foundation, Prospecting, and Farming courses to learn the basic mindset, skills, and activities to build a stellar real estate business.

    With individual courses dedicated to Buyers, Sellers, Tenants, and Landlords, you will discover the tools and knowledge you need to work with any real estate client.

    Each course includes sound advice, factual information, tips, skills instructions, assignments, and quizzes to cement your understanding of this exciting industry.

    These courses have something for everyone from brand new to experienced real estate agents.

    Choose any or all of the courses in this outstanding library for a step-by-step guide as you begin your journey towards financial independence.

    Take advantage of this exciting opportunity to increase your expertise and up your game in the real estate profession.

  • How are the courses presented?

    The courses are broken down into chapters and then lessons. Each chapter has a ten-question quiz to test your knowledge.

    Each lesson is presented in two formats to choose from; a video and an all-text format. Both formats have the same content.

    You can translate the website labels and menus to any language you set in your profile.

  • In what sequence should I take the courses?

    We recommend you start with the Introduction, then continue with Foundation and Prospecting.

    By completing Buyers, Sellers, Tenants, and Landlords, you'll improve the chances of growing your business with a diverse portfolio of clients.

    Farming will provide you with the necessary knowledge to identify and reap the benefits of becoming a market niche specialist.

  • What about payment?

    You have two options two choose from, one-time full payment or a payment plan.

    The payment plan consists of monthly payments (3,4,5, or 6 depending on the course or bundle). There is no interest or setup fee added to the monthly payment plan.

  • How long does it take to complete a course?

    Courses duration range from 3 to 4 hours, if you take them without interruptions.

    You can start a lesson's video, stop it, and then resume it at the exact place you left it.

    Additionally, each course has an "Assignments" chapter with tasks you complete at your own pace. This chapter is where you apply the knowledge you acquire during the course.

  • Can I take the courses out of of the shown or recommended order?

    Sure! Each course has been designed to expand your professional real estate agent knowledge and skills.

  • Can I go in and out of the lessons?

    Yes! You can start and lesson and leave. When you return to it, the video will resume at the exact frame when you left.

  • For how long will I get access to the course?

    A course will remain in your profile for a year from the date you purchased it. During this time, you can come back to re-take any lesson, chapter, or the whole course, including any update made to it.